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Garden Care Tips

Garden Care tips

On this page you will find tips, advice and ideas compiled by STIHL in co-operation with experienced gardening and outdoor professionals. These range from basic tips for beginners on garden maintenance all the way to detailed professional know-how for ambitious leisure-time gardeners. Enjoy looking through them!

Wet weather lawn care, VIKING Lawn Mower

Wet weather lawn care

Heavy rains and recent flooding has left many lawns waterlogged. Nature has a wonderful way of recovering from these things, but a few points considered now could give it a helping hand. 

Autumn leaf clearance

Autumn leaves may be beautiful; but when they start to fall and pile up on the ground they can be a real chore for gardeners, so what is the best way to clear fallen leaves?

Seasonal tips for your lawn care

Follow our seasonal guide to a healthy lawn …

Autumn colours - the fact and the fantasy

Autumn colours – the fact and the fantasy

The colours of autumn have inspired many - in literature, song, folklore and art, but what are the facts behind the 'fall'? Why are some year's colours more vibrant than others?


Turn your green waste into nature's gold ...

Garden shredder guide

Make space in your garden and reduce volumes of waste ...